Corporate Social Responsibility
At Speexx, we are dedicated to making a positive impact in the world by supporting causes that matter to the Speexx family. We also maintain all essential ESG and CSR certifications, reinforcing our commitment to ethical practices and environmental and social responsibility.
CDP Climate Disclosure Rating
Speexx has achieved an SME B Score in the CDP Climate Disclosure 2024 – the highest score currently possible for small and medium-sized enterprises. This recognition highlights our commitment to transparency in carbon reporting and climate responsibility.
CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) is the world’s leading framework for companies to measure and disclose their climate impact. The assessment evaluates companies on key sustainability criteria, including carbon emissions across Scope 1, 2, and 3, environmental governance, and climate-related risk management. Speexx B Score reflects our ongoing efforts to improve environmental performance and accountability.
We are dedicated to increasing transparency, actively measuring and reporting emissions, and taking steps toward science-based climate goals. In 2025, we will further our commitment by joining the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
Ecovadis Sustainability Rating
EcoVadis medals are awarded based on the percentile ranking of companies within the EcoVadis database. Silver is awarded to 15% of companies and Speexx placed in the 90th percentile, receiving a score higher than 90% of the companies audited by EcoVadis. Speexx also features in the top 7% of rated companies within its industry. 2024 marks the fourth consecutive year in which Speexx has been awarded a Silver medal.
EcoVadis is a provider of universal sustainability ratings, with more than 150,000 companies from over 250 industries taking part and committing to ensuring responsible sourcing throughout the supply chain. The assessment covers a range of CSR topics, including environmental impact, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. In all four categories, Speexx outperformed the industry average. We will continue to work on our score and improve on all aspects of CSR.
Diversity as an Opportunity: The Diversity Charter
At Speexx, we know that collectively as a society we can only be truly successful if we embrace, acknowledge, and promote diversity — both within our organization and the world at large.
Speexx is a proud signatory of The Charta der Vielfalt (Diversity Charter) in the world of work. We commit to cultivating an organization that is characterized by mutual respect and appreciation, and that recognizes the intrinsic potential of diversity all around us.
United Nations Global Compact
We are proud to participate in the UN Global Compact – a policy initiative for businesses who are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. Speexx proudly supports the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact.
Humentum and LINGOs
Since early 2015, Speexx has partnered with Humentum and LINGOs, a learning consortium of 80+ international development, aid and conservation organizations. Since the beginning of the partnership with LINGOs, over 1300 NGO staff in over 100 countries have enrolled in French, Spanish, and English courses at all levels (A1 – C1.2).
LINGOs is a not-for-profit capacity building organization in its tenth year of providing world-class learning opportunities that are appropriate, accessible and affordable for people working to reduce poverty and alleviate suffering in the developing world.
LINGOs merged with two other leading providers of learning and capacity development within their sector. Together, they created a new global organization called Humentum. Learn more
Giving Back
Each year, we donate 1 million Euros’ worth of educational products to a variety of projects around the world. By doing what we do best – providing learning and continuing education opportunities – we are committed to being a reliable partner in the building of a better future in particularly disadvantaged regions of the world.
Our mission is a reflection of our organization’s fast-paced development over the past decade and we continue to work on it in thorough discussions with our clients and employees.
Disaster Ready is a collaborative, non-profit effort informed and supported by prominent aid agencies and the Cornerstone OnDemand (CSOD) Foundation—a leader in the field of online learning for non-profit organizations. The goal of the initiative is to increase the preparedness and effectiveness of humanitarian aid workers by making training more accessible.
Speexx is proud to support by providing aid workers of NGOs and humanitarian agencies with online language courses for English, French and Spanish. Some of this year’s charities include French Medical Institute for Children, E.L.I.S.A. MEDICOPTÈRE, Mercy Corps, UNHCR and Save the Children.
International Federation of Red Cross
The IFRC is the world’s largest humanitarian network reaching 150 million people annually through 17 million volunteers in 190 National Societies. The IFRC and several National Red Cross Red Crescent Societies have been deeply involved in supporting the hundreds of thousands of migrants who have reached the EU this year. The Speexx education project provides 5,000 free language courses, covers all levels from beginners to advanced for English, German and Spanish.
As part the Libyan Red Crescent’s collaboration with DisasterReady and Speexx, we have enabled thousands of volunteers from charities around the world to improve their language skills online. One of them is Mohaned from Libya. Read his story on the Speexx Exchange Blog.
Project Reconnect
With the support from, NetHope launched Project Reconnect: an initiative providing 25,000 managed Chromebooks to nonprofit organizations supporting refugees in Germany. The project aims to help refugees as they strive to rebuild their lives, by facilitating access to education and information resources on the web. NetHope and believe that access to Internet resources is key to connecting refugees to their new communities.