Parlare di stipendio e retribuzione in inglese

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Se un tuo contatto inglese ti parlasse di quanto si guadagna nel suo Paese, o di quali sono i lavori più remunerativi, sapresti reggere la conversazione? Sapresti, per esempio, rispondere alle seguenti domande?


1. What is the minimum wage in your country?

2. Which jobs do you think are overpaid?

3. Which jobs do you think are underpaid?

4. Is working overtime common in your business or industry?

5. Do you think performance-related pay is a good idea?

6. Have salaries changed in your country in recent years?

7. Is severance pay common in your country?


Parole legate allo stipendio

Salary Stipendio mensile fisso
Wages Stipendio all’ora/giornaliero/settimanale
A bonus Un incentivo, spesso detto bonus
Performance – related pay Stipendio legato alla produttività
A pay rise Un aumento di stipendio
A pay cut Una riduzione di stipendio
Pension La pensione
Severance pay Indennità di fine rapporto/ liquidazione


1. Ann helped the company increase its profits, so his boss decided to give her a bonus at the end of the year.

2. Simon has a very well-paid job. He earns a salary of almost $120,000/year.

3. Lorna doesn’t work anymore. He gets a small pension from the government.

4. The workers were offered $20,000 in severance pay to leave the company.

5. The government has decided to introduce a performance – related pay in schools in order to improve the quality of teaching.

6. Due to the difficult economic situation, government workers had to accept a pay cut.

7. At the end of each week, the shop keeper pays the staff their wages.

8. Dean’s boss agreed to give him a pay rise because he had worked so hard over the past few years.


Altre Word in Context, o “parole in contesto”, che potrebbero rivelarsi utili alla conversazione:

1. In some countries, the minimum wage (stipendio minimo) is $7/hour.

2. For the right person, we are willing to pay a basic salary (stipendio base) of $35,000, plus bonus.

3. The employer paid a back payment (stipendio arretrato) to his employee on his wages from 3 months earlier.

4. The workers all agreed to work overtime (fare gli straordinari) after their employer promised to pay them extra wages.

5. Mark is definitely underpaid (sottopagato). He deserves a much higher salary than what he is currently receiving.

6. I think professional footballers are overpaid (strapagato). There are far more important jobs out there.


Negli annunci potresti trovare le seguenti abbreviazioni riguardanti la retribuzione:


k → thousand € 30 k → thirty thousand euros (trentamila)

m → million € 10 m → ten million euros (dieci milioni)

bn → billion € 4 bn → 4 billion euros (quattro miliardi)

pa → per annum € 30.000 pa → thirty thousand euros per annum (all’anno)

ph → per hour € 15 ph → fifteen euros per hour (all’ora)

inc → including € 30.000 inc benefits (benefici) → thirty thousand euros, including benefits


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