Winter idioms: 15 espressioni relative all’inverno in inglese
What springs to mind when you hear the word “winter”? Cosa ti salta in mente quando senti la parola “inverno”? Snow, cold, rain, sledge, skiing, Christmas, fireplace, hot chocolate? Le temperature si stanno abbassando e in montagna sta cadendo tanta neve – so much snow is falling! Do you like winter? What do you like about it? Molte persone spesso durante l’inverno si sentono più grumpy (scontrose), e tu? Anche a te fa questo effetto? Anche se il tema principale è l’inverno, le espressioni e frasi idiomatiche inglesi che troverai in questo articolo ti possono tornare utili in qualsiasi mese dell’anno! Don’t put your learning plans on ice!
1) I am worried that we are going to be snowed in.
To be snowed in: esserci tanta neve da non poter uscire di casa.
2) She decided to put the wedding plans on ice after her fiancé lost his job.
To put on ice: rimandare qualcosa per breve tempo.
3) A lot of animals like to hibernate during the winter.
To hibernate: andare in letargo.
4) Recently Sheila has been snowed under with so much work, she needs a holiday!
To be snowed under with: essere oberati (di lavoro).
5) The wind chill factor will be high today.
The wind chill factor: vento freddo.
6) It’s better to bundle up before going out into cold weather.
To bundle up: vestirsi pesante/infagottarsi.
7) Temperatures will be below zero in the north at this time of year.
Temperatures below zero: le temperature sotto zero.
8) You’re walking on thin ice if you keep insulting Katie.
To be on thin ice: essere sul filo del rasoio.
9) There is a blanket of snow covering much of the city today.
A blanket of snow: una coperta di neve.
10) It will be bitterly cold today.
Bitterly cold: freddo pungente.
11) The clocks go back in November
The clocks go back: le lancette dell’orologio vanno indietro.
12) Emily wasn’t prepared for the cold snap.
Cold snap: ondata di freddo.
13) It feels like the dead of winter out there.
Dead of winter: nel cuore dell’inverno (la parte più fredda e buia della stagione).
14) His popularity was such a snowball effect.
Snowball effect: effetto valanga.
15) I wonder whether that reaction was just the tip of the iceberg.
The tip of the iceberg: la punta dell’iceberg.