Come chiedere un aumento in inglese
Organizza un meeting e inizia la conversazione spiegando chiaramente il motivo dell’incontro:
1) Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. In my current role, I’m excited to keep working towards key company goals and grow my personal responsibilities. As a result: I’d like to discuss my salary/compensation package/contract with you/I’d like to talk to you about my future here.
Sostieni la tua richiesta con esempi specifici:
1) This year I’ve brought in 5 new customers, which has increased our revenue by (10%).
2) These last few months I’ve taken on extra responsibilities to reduce our overheads. This has resulted in savings of over £600 every month.
3) In the last six months I’ve reorganised the department / streamlined our order processing, which has resulted in savings of 10%.
Fa qualche ricerca prima del meeting, per verificare quanto il tuo ruolo sia generalmente pagato. In questo modo, potresti dire:
1) At the moment, a job with my level of responsibilities pays around £60,000 a year.
2) Similar roles pay a range of (amount) to (amount).
Il tuo capo potrebbe considerare la tua proposta non appropriata. Approfondisci e chiedi delle spiegazioni, cerca di arrivare ad un compromesso conveniente per entrambe le parti:
1) From my research, I’ve learned that X% is a reasonable increase and in line with what I’ve contributed. Can you tell me more about why that increase isn’t possible today?
2) What I’m hearing is that you agree that a raise is appropriate but maybe not right now. How can I help you make that case in the near future?
Il tuo capo potrebbe anche rifiutare completamente la tua richiesta. Prova a capire perché la tua proposta non è stata accolta come ti aspettavi:
1) Are you satisfied with my performance overall?
2) What would I need to do to be considered for a pay raise in the next six months?
3) Can we review this in the next six months?
Qualora il tuo capo fosse irremovibile nella sua decisione, anziché rinunciare tout court alla negoziazione, prova a trattare su altri benefit: qualche giorno di vacanza in più (extra days off), o un orario di lavoro flessibile (flexible hours):
1) I understand that finances are difficult. Can we discuss non-salary perks?