Soluzioni Pluripremiate
Nel corso degli anni Speexx è stata insignita di numerosi premi di settore e riconoscimenti che confermano la qualità dei servizi offerti, la crescita dell’azienda e il peso crescente acquisito tra gli specialisti del training linguistico in ambito business.

Speexx Coaching™ vince il premio Excellence in Technology Award della Brandon Hall Group
Speexx ha ricevuto il premio Gold nella categoria “Unique Learning Technology”. Le iscrizioni sono state valutate da un panel di veterani, esperti senior indipendenti del settore, analisti e dirigenti del Brandon Hall Group sulla base di questi criteri: Adattamento al bisogno, design del programma, funzionalità, innovazione e benefici misurabili complessivi.
Speexx Coaching™ vince il Worlddidac Award 2023
I Worlddidac Awards sono un riconoscimento per la qualità dei prodotti formativi ed EdTech. Speexx Coaching™ è stato nominato vincitore dopo un rigoroso processo di valutazione della durata di un mese.
Speexx ha ottenuto la certificazione di sicurezza informatica da CyberVadis con un punteggio elevato
Il rapporto ha valutato 153 controlli di sicurezza, ha evidenziato 64 perfezionamenti e identificato 88 punti di forza in materia di privacy, protezione dei dati, continuità operativa e gestione della sicurezza da parte di terzi.
Speexx diventa la prima piattaforma di formazione linguistica online ad ottenere l’accreditamento Eaquals
Eaquals è leader mondiale nell’accreditamento dell’insegnamento delle lingue per le organizzazioni globali. Per ottenere l’accreditamento, Speexx ha trascorso 12 mesi di preparazione e ha avuto un’ispezione di 5 giorni da parte di Eaquals nel febbraio 2023.
Speexx avanza a Core Leader nella 2023 Fosway Group’s 9-Grid™ per il Digital Learning
Speexx , leader nello sviluppo digitale e on-the-job delle persone, ha annunciato di essere passata da Strong Performer a Core Leader nella 9-Grid del Gruppo Fosway per Digital Learning, per la sua premiata piattaforma digitale. Questo rappresenta una crescita costante verso l’alto nella 9-Grid, dove Speexx avanza di anno in anno; da Solid Performer nel 2021, a Strong Performer nel 2022, a Core Leader oggi nel 2023.
Medaglia d’argento EcoVadis 2023
Speexx è orgogliosa di aver ottenuto la medaglia d’argento sulla Responsabilità Sociale d’Impresa (CSR), nella valutazione annuale della prestigiosa piattaforma internazionale di rating della sostenibilità EcoVadis. Questa valutazione colloca l’azienda al 92esimo percentile dei risultati in termini di CSR, tra le aziende partecipanti a livello mondiale. Speexx si colloca nel 5% delle aziende valutate da EcoVadis nel settore della programmazione informatica, della consulenza e delle attività correlate.
Comenius EduMedia Medal 2022
Il nostro impegno costante nell’educazione digitale è stato riconosciuto con la Medaglia Comenius EduMedia 2022. Ogni anno, la società per l’istruzione, l’informatica e i media premia le soluzioni educative digitali d’eccellenza per il lavoro, la formazione, l’istruzione, la cultura e il tempo libero.
In occasione della premiazione sono state valutate 200 soluzioni di apprendimento digitale e solo 20 di esse hanno ricevuto l’ambita Medaglia EduMedia, tra cui Speexx – la prima soluzione intelligente di apprendimento delle lingue per il posto di lavoro digitale.
Questo riconoscimento testimonia ancora una volta la nostra capacità di fornire a clienti globali tecnologie di apprendimento di altissimo livello e soluzioni innovative adatte alle loro esigenze e pronte per il futuro del lavoro e dell’apprendimento.
Speexx: “Strong Performer” in Fosway 9-Grid™ per il Digital Learning 2022
La rapida crescita di Speexx e il suo track record di customer advocacy sono stati riconosciuti da Fosway Group – la prima società di analisi del settore HR in Europa – con l’inserimento nella categoria “Strong Performer” di Fosway 9-Grid ™ per il Digital Learning 2022.
Fosway 9-Grid™ è uno stimato modello di analisi di mercato che informa circa le decisioni dei fornitori i buyer aziendali europei nei settori delle Risorse Umane, della gestione del talento e dell’apprendimento. Giunta alla sua nona edizione, l’analisi si basa su un’ampia ricerca indipendente e sulle intuizioni del Corporate Research Network di Fosway, composto da oltre 150 organizzazioni clienti, tra cui BP, HSBC, PwC, RBS, Sanofi, Shell e Vodafone.
Speexx vince l’oro nel 2021 Brandon Hall Group Excellence in Technology Awards
Speexx, leader globale nella tecnologia innovativa per la formazione digitale, ha annunciato oggi di essere stato premiato con l’oro dal Brandon Hall Group per l’eccellenza nella categoria Best Advance in Unique Learning Technology.
Medaglia d’argento EcoVadis
Speexx è stato valutato da EcoVadis, provider certificante per la universal sustainability. La valutazione copre 4 temi principali: impatto ambientale, lavoro e diritti umani, etica e approvvigionamento sostenibile.
Speexx ha dimostrato di essere leader del settore in tutte e 4 le aree assicurandosi la ambitissima medaglia d’argento, posizionando Speexx nel primo 25% delle 75.000 aziende valutate, in oltre 200 settori.
WorldDidac Award 2020
Speexx si aggiudica prestigioso Worlddidac Award 2020 nella categoria “Technical and Vocational Training”. Il prestigioso riconoscimento biennale Worlddidac Award premia innovazione, qualità e l’applicazione pratica dei materiali didattici. È la più alta onoreficienza nel settore dell’istruzione in tutto il mondo, conferito dalla Worlddidac Foundation e dalla Worlddidac Association. La giuria di esperti internazionali esamina i prodotti presentati per la loro innovazione, design, sostenibilità e, soprattutto, idoneità e convenienza.
Speexx Wins 2019 BOOAOO Award with Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance in China Academy’s Learning Program
Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance China e Speexx vincono il premio BOOAOO 2019! Il comitato di valutazione del “BOOAOO Award”, l’autorevole premio nel campo dell’apprendimento online, ha assegnato il Mobile Learning Application Award alla Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance China Academy insieme al suo partner Speexx.
Learning Technologies Awards – Gold
In una magica notte Londinese, all’attesissimo Learning Technologies Awards annuale, Speexx si è aggiudicata il premio per il miglior programma di apprendimento a distanza online. I giudici hanno affermato che la soluzione Speexx Smart Learning eccelleva in tutti i criteri di questa categoria, in gran parte grazie al suo “approccio incentrato sull’utente alla formazione linguistica aziendale”. Maggiori informazioni su questo premio qui.
Worlddidac Award
Speexx has been awarded for the 7th consecutive time with the prestigious Worlddidac Award. This year’s award is the first L&D industry recognition of the new Speexx Smart Learning solutions and unique approach to microlearning and performance support. Since 1984, the Worlddidac Foundation awards quality and excellence in the educational industry. The award is an internationally recognised distinction and the winner is chosen by a jury of renowned education experts.
Microsoft Selects Speexx for Exclusive ScaleUp Program
Speexx is among the 10 top-growth companies that have been selected by Microsoft for its global ScaleUp program. The program is designed to accelerate go-to-market and tech development of 10 top-growth stage software companies through direct engagement with Microsoft resources and personnel. In parallel, Speexx joins the Microsoft partnership program as a gold member
Speexx China wins The Training Top 125 China Award
Training magazine Top 125 is a worldwide ranking of organizations that excel at training and human capital development. Award winners are the organizations with the most successful learning and development programs in the world. The Award has been the most premier learning industry awards program for more than 10 years.
Speexx China wins HREC Excellence Award
Speexx won the prestigious China Supplier Value Award in Learning and Development in July 2017. According to the judging panel, Speexx is the best choice for our product strength and quality of service criteria. The Award was organized by China´s largest HR membership organization ´Human Resource
Excellence Centre HREC.
eLearning Award
Together with our partner “The Adecco Group”, Speexx 2017 received the eLearning Award in the “Language Training” category. The experts from the eLearning Journal honored the joint “blended learning” project of the company, particularly characterized by scalability and international implementation. The prize was awarded in February as part of the didacta event, in Stuttgart.
Worlddidac Award 2016
Speexx has been awarded for the 6th consecutive time with the prestigious Worlddidac Award for the category Blended Learning. Since 1984, the Worlddidac Foundation awards quality and excellence in the educational industry. The award is an internationally recognised distinction and the winner is chosen by a jury of renowned education experts.
International E-Learning Association Award 2016
Speexx was announced as Runner-Up in the Blended Learning category of the 2016 International E-Learning Awards IELA. The award-ceremony organized by the International E-Learning Association for outstanding e-learning products took place at the annual ICEWL conference in New York.
APel 2015 Award
The Spanish Association of E-Learning Providers (APel) rewards high quality e-learning solutions with its Excellence in E-Learning Award on an annual basis. In 2015, Speexx secured the award in the category “Most Innovative Learning Solution”.
Brand of the Year Award China
Each year, China’s Training Magazine organizes two major awards: ‘Brand of the Year’ and ‘Outstanding Brand Courses’. In 2015, over 300 organizations submitted projects, out of which 83 were shortlisted for the ‘Brand of the Year’ award. Speexx made it to the final round and secured the Brand of the Year Award in the ‘Corporate Training’ category.
LT-Innovate Award 2015
The LT-Innovate Summit is the annual point of convergence for the Language Technology Industry to network, discuss strategies and explore innovation opportunities. The Jury rated presentations based on innovation & technology excellence as well as business potential & investment readiness and selected Speexx as the 2015 winner.
International E-Learning Association Award 2015
The IELA Awards Committee look for outstanding e-learning products in terms of educational soundness and effectiveness, usability, and overall significance. In 2015, Speexx received an Honorable Mention for the Blended Learning category.
Golden Globe Tigers Award 2015
The Golden Globe Tigers Award recognizes organizations and individuals for outstanding achievements and initiatives which have made a difference in communities around the globe. In 2015, Speexx was selected as the winner in the “Best Use of Technology for Training” category.
Global E-Learning Award 2014
The Global E-Learning Awards are organized by World Education Congress in Mumbai and showcase the most successful and innovative applications to the delivery of education and training. In 2014, Speexx won the Global E-Learning Award in the ‘Excellence in Blended Technology’ category for its online language training solution.
International E-Learning Association Award 2014
Each year, the IELA Awards Committee look for outstanding e-learning products in terms of educational soundness and effectiveness, usability, and overall significance. In 2014, Speexx was selected as the winner of the Blended Learning category for the second time.
Worlddidac Award 2014
Speexx has been awarded with the prestigious Worlddidac Award five times in a row. The Worlddidac Association’s international expert jury described the Speexx learning solution as particularly “innovative and valuable for education”.
The European Seal of e-Excellence 2013
Speexx is a proud winner of the 2013 European Seal of e-Excellence. The jury selected Speexx for a Platinum Seal among more than 100 applications from all over the world. The Seal is awared to companies who have translated an innovative idea into a successful solution that finds resonance in the market.
Worlddidac Award 2012
For the fourth time in a row, Speexx was awarded with the prestigious Worlddidac Award. The Worlddidac Association’s international expert jury described the Speexx learning solution as particularly “innovative and valuable for education”.
Golden Engine Award 2012
Speexx has been awarded with the prestigious 2012 Golden Engine Award for ’Strategically and Sustainably Driving China’s Education Industry’. Speexx took the top spot in the ‘Best contribution to the improvement of the education industry’ category and was the only non-Chinese company to be presented with this award.
IT Innovation Award 2012
Speexx has been awarded a winner at German IT Innovation Award “Innovationspreis IT 2012”. Among 2.500 competitors, Speexx is a winner in the category “e-Learning”. The innovation award is provided by the “Initiative Mittelstand” among SMEs. Each year products and solutions are awarded, which are outstanding in terms of degree of innovation and customer benefit. The ceremony took place at CeBIT in Hanover.
The European Seal of e-Excellence 2012
Speexx has been awarded a Gold European Seal of e-Excellence 2012. For the third year in a row, Speexx was honoured with Europe’s prime award promoting the marketing of e-innovation: The widely known Seal of e-Excellence is conferred on companies with innovative products and outstanding marketing on an international scale. Speexx was announced a winner at CeBIT in Hanover, the world’s largest computer expo.
Full certification in SCORM 2004 3rd edition
Speexx has received full certification in SCORM 2004 3rd edition by the eLearning industry’s certifying body, Advanced Distributed Learning Institute (ADL). The Speexx language learning solutions will ensure the hassle-free interoperability and reusability of its learning systems and content.
BOOAOO awards in China 2011
Speexx has received the prestigious BOOAOO e-learning Award in China for excellence in education for its innovative language learning courses called Speexx out of more than 40 competing training solutions.
Worlddidac Quality Charter 2011
Following an extensive evaluation process conducted by an international board of education experts, Speexx has been awarded with the renowned Worlddidac Quality Charter (WQC). To be certified, a company has to meet the highest demands regarding product quality, after-sales support and corporate governance. “A certified company also stands for educational excellence, innovation and long-term stability,” states Kateryna Schütz, Project Manager at the Switzerland-based Worlddidac Association. Speexx has been re-certified with the coveted seal, which is awarded for a three-year period.
The European Seal of e-Excellence 2011
Speexx has been allocated a Gold winner at the European Seal of e-Excellence awards in Hanover, Germany. The winners were announced at CeBIT in Hanover, the world’s largest computer expo. For the second year in a row, Speexx was honoured with Europe’s prime award promoting the marketing of e-innovation: Awarded annually by the Forum of e-Excellence and its partner associations, the widely known seal is conferred on companies with innovative products and outstanding marketing.
The US Language Magazine
“The program has an impressive, tailor-made speech recognition tool, Intellispeech, to help with accent reduction […], produces remarkably accurate results. […] It is not surprising that the Speexx program has won over a hundred awards and continues to add to its silverware.”
Three-Time Winner of the Worlddidac Award 2010
Following up on the great success at the 2008 Worlddidac Awards, Speexx once again underlined the company’s outstanding position in the global e-learning industry by scooping up another three of the coveted Worlddidac Awards. In presenting the award the speaker of the the jury, Mr. Beat Jost, president of the Worlddidac Foundation, said, “The international experts on the Worlddidac jury were all in agreement: the business communication skills training solutions by Speexx are state-of-the-art, and are leaders in the e-learning industry. In particular, Speexx sets the benchmark in usability as well as in the design and composition of language learning solution.”
French Award Nuit de la Formation Professionnelle
Speexx convinced the top-class jury with its consideration of the requirements of a global workforce and its flexibility. Speexx received the renowned prize at the Casino de Paris in front of 1,500 specialists of the French vocational training industry. The “Nuit de la Formation Professionelle 2010 ” honors innovative projects for advanced vocational trainings.
The European Seal of e-Excellence 2010
For the eighth consecutive year, the European Multimedia Forum (EMF) and its national and regional partner associations awarded ICT and digital media companies with the Seals of e-Excellence 2010. Speexx was honoured with the Platinum Award 2010. This prestigious European Award confirms Speexx’s excellent track record in the innovative marketing of digital products and services.
British IT Training Award 2010
“Both the content of the standard courses provided by language-teaching specialists and the techniques integrated in the courses, such as the innovative speech-recognition feature ‘IntelliSpeech’, are of extremely high quality.” The UK Institute of IT Training hosts the annual awards to recognize outstanding examples of high standards, best practice, innovation and excellence within IT training. The awards are firmly established as the benchmark for excellence throughout the IT training industry.
US Learn Trends Innovation Award 2009
Speexx captured the award at the Learn Trends conference, an online conference that spans the globe and is run by some of the US’s leading industry names, including Jay Cross, Tony Karrer and George Siemens among others. The Learn Trends Innovation Awards are designed to recognize “products, projects and companies that represent significant innovation in Corporate/Workplace Learning and Performance.”
British Software Satisfaction Award 2009
Based on a voting population of more than 8,100 end users and purchasers of business software, the survey for the Software Satisfaction Award was one of the largest individual pieces of business opinion research in the UK and across Europe. The Software Satisfaction Award was Speexx’s first audience award. Participants in the survey were asked to rate the products’ ease of use, functionality, reliability and value for money.
UK e-learning award 2008
The submission for the award was based on a case study highlighting the use of the Speexx’s blended learning language training at the leading automotive supplier MAHLE in Shanghai, China. In presenting the award, the jury composed of members of the UK eLearning Network ELN emphasized that the award specifically recognized the innovative technology and pedagogical value of Speexx’s language training solutions.
The Worlddidac Award 2008
The Worlddidac Foundation’s specialist jury distinguished Speexx’s corporate language training Speexx as an outstanding concept, adding that it especially stands out through its considerable potential for the improvement and facilitation of learning and teaching languages.
The Worlddidac Quality Charter 2008
Speexx received its certification under the Worlddidac Quality Charter (WQC) following an extensive evaluation process conducted by an international jury of education experts. This prestigious designation was presented to Speexx by the Worlddidac Foundation, an independent, international trade association for the education market with members in more than 50 countries. The Worlddidac Quality Charter is a quality certification for companies who participate in educational projects worldwide.
German Education Award digita 2008
The jury rated Speexx Plug&Learn as a new innovation with an excellent didactic concept. Their review stated: “The program works according to the newest didactic principles (…). It motivates the students to actively and autonomously take part in the process of learning.”
French Chamber of Commerce – AGERCEL
At the Association de Gestion de Réseau des Centres d’Etudes des Langues des CCI, the Speexx solution is used exclusively at 82 language learning centers of the French Chamber of Commerce in their blended learning approach.
UNESCO Award – Prix Möbius International
The Speexx English learning software solutions and the IntelliSpeech accent reduction tool were awarded with the UNESCO Award – Prix Möbius International.