Le basi del vocabolario HR in inglese

Ti piacerebbe lavorare nel settore HR? Ci lavori già, ma non sei sicuro di tante parole specifiche legate al tuo ruolo? No worries, leggi quest’articolo in cui troverai le espressioni e parole essenziali da sapere per il tuo lavoro!

TO WORK OVERTIME – Fare gli straordinari

We had to work overtime to get the project finished on time.

TO WORK SHIFTS – Fare i turni

In today’s twenty-four hour society, more and more people work shifts.

A ROSTER – Elenco dei turni

The weekly roster is put up on the board so that you can see who is working.

TO TAKE TIME OFF/A DAY OFF – Prendere ferie/un giorno di ferie

I had two days off last week so I have a lot of work to catch up on.

TO CLOCK IN/OUT – Timbrare il cartellino

The staff clock in when they arrive and clock out as they leave.

A VACANCY – Un posto libero

We don’t have any vacancies at the moment but we will keep your CV on file.

HOLIDAY ENTITLEMENT – Diritto alle ferie

Although the holiday entitlement is very generous, holidays have to be taken at certain times of the year.

PROBATION PERIOD – Periodo di prova

They let him go at the end of the probation period.



TO MAKE SOMEBODY REDUNDANT – Licenziare (di solito per motivi economici aziendali, da non confondere con “to fire” che significa licenziare per una povera performance dell’impiegato)

They are closing down the factory and making 500 people redundant.

TO HAND IN (OR GIVE IN) YOUR NOTICE – Presentare le dimissioni

She handed in her notice this morning and is leaving at the end of the month.

SEVERANCE PAY – Buonuscita

The redundant workers were given 26 weeks’ severance pay.

TO RESIGN FROM A JOB – Dimettersi da un lavoro

I resigned from my previous employer because I thought some of their sales techniques were unethical.

TO BE AT STAKE – Essere a rischio

There are 500 jobs at stake if we don’t get the contract.

Speexx realizza progetti di formazione e valutazione linguistica blended a distanza per le aziende. Aiutiamo le grandi organizzazioni in tutto il mondo a incrementare la produttività attraverso il miglioramento delle competenze comunicative dei propri dipendenti.

BINDING CONTRACT – Contratto vincolante

You can’t walk out on your binding contract just because you have received a better offer elsewhere.

TO BREACH THE CONTRACT – Violare il contratto

If you don’t agree to move to Paris, you will be in breach of your contract.

TO STREAMLINE – Snellire/Velocizzare

We are streamlining the procedure to cut the time it takes to deliver to the customer.

TO RELOCATE – Trasferirsi in una nuova sede

Production is being relocated to Bulgaria next year creating lots of redundancies here.

TO ENFORCE – Fare rispettare

For health and safety reasons, we have to enforce the no-smoking rules.

TO DOWNSIZE – Rimpicciolire/Ridurre il personale

The organization has a plan to downsize in order to reduce costs.

TO PHASE IN – Inserire gradualmente

The changes in pay scales will be phased in over the next three years.

TO PHASE OUT – Eliminare progressivamente

That line of products has been phased out and replaced by the new range.

TO PHASE IN – Inserire gradualmente

The changes in pay scales will be phased in over the next three years.

TO BE OFF SICK – Non lavorare perché malato

When you are off sick, you must provide a doctor’s note.

TO CALL IN SICK – Prendersi un giorno libero per malattia

I think Gaby might be calling in sick today.

INCOME TAX – Imposta sul reddito

In the UK, income tax is deducted directly from your salary and paid to the state