Slang Americano vs Slang British

The British and the Americans parlano la stessa lingua, ma con molte differenze lessicali, grammaticali e in termini di varietà di slang.


Ma attenzione: qualsiasi slang di qualsiasi lingua dev’essere padroneggiato con cura, per non rischiare un approccio troppo informale in contesti che non lo richiedono o per evitare di (s)cadere addirittura nel ridicolo. Di seguito, alcune espressioni tipiche in American & British English:

🇬🇧 Lo slang British 🇬🇧



CHUFFED   molto contento I’m dead chuffed to have won
GUTTED   turbato, deluso I know how gutted the players must feel
UNI   università My daughter is in her second year at uni


  prendere in giro Are you taking the piss?
DODGY   rischioso, disonesto That person looks dodgy
KNACKERED   stanco, esausto She is always knackered by Friday
SCRUMMY   delizioso Wow, this cake is so scrummy
BLOKE   uomo Did you see that bloke over there? He is a famous dancer.
BOG   bagno I need a bog
BUDGE UP   stringersi per fare spazio Come on, we will budge up and there’ll be a space for you too!
CHEESED OFF   irritato I am so cheesed off with her behaviour. It’s just out of order
CHOCK-A-BLOCK   pieno di gente The store was so chock-a-block, people everywhere!
DOSH   soldi Have you got any dosh with you?
KIP   sonnellino I need to take a kip, I am so knackered.
STUFFED   sazio No dessert for me please, I am so stuffed!
LEGLESS   ubriaco I believe he got a bit too much wine, he’s legless.
PLASTERED   molto ubriaco Actually, he is completely plastered!
QUID   una sterlina Have you got a quid?
SKINT   essere al verde I am sorry, I am skint, I can’t come out tonight.
THE DOG’S DINNER   fare un casino They made a real dog’s dinner of that job.
BLIMEY/CRIKEY   accidenti! Blimey, you have lost so much weight!
SMASHING   favoloso, formidabile I had a smashing time on holiday, it was so much fun!
TO FAFF   sprecare tempo Stop faffing around, we’re going to be late!
KNICKED   rubato I got my handbag knicked the other day


🇺🇸 Lo slang Americano 🇺🇸



COOL   fantastico Are you coming to the party? Cool, that’s awesome!
AWESOME   ‘ccezionale, grandioso Are you coming to the party? Cool, that’s awesome!
TO HANG OUT   passare il tempo Why don’t you come home and hang out for a while?
TO CHILL (OUT)   rilassarsi What did you do at the weekend? Nothing. I just chilled out.
AMPED   non vedere l’ora I can’t wait to see Beyonce live. Me too! I am amped
TO HAVE A BLAST   spassarsela At Beyonce’s concert we had a blast
TO HAVE A CRASH (ON SOMEBODY)   prendersi una cotta My friend has a crash on Jim, but he doesn’t like her.
TO DUMP (ON SOMEBODY)   terminare una relazione Alex dumped her last night
GEEK   nerd, imbranato, asociale Tim was the smartest geek in the IT department/Peter was a geek at school and didn’t have a lot of friends
HOOKED (ON SOMETHING)   dipendente One cigarette and he was hooked
IN (AGGETTIVO)   di tendenza I understand this kind of music is really in at the moment but I just dislike it!
EPIC FAIL   un grande fallimento My exam was an epic fail, I must retake it next year!
LOSER   idiota Simon is such a loser for leaving his office job.
TO RIP OFF   truffare The taxi charged us €60 for a 5 km trip, we were so ripped off!
ON FLEEK   bello My hair is on fleek


Spero che ora, in un film o in un libro in lingua originale, o in una conversazione con un British o un American, saprete riconoscere alcuni degli slang tipici trattati in questo articolo.  Cool! 😉