Small Talk – Parlare del più e del meno in inglese
0 min readTi è mai capitato di dover trascorrere del tempo con un collega straniero senza essere esattamente in grado di colmare il silenzio? Sapere come intavolare una conversazione in inglese con conoscenti o perfetti sconosciuti è il primo passo per non incappare in situazioni di mutismo imbarazzante.
Esempi di Small Talk, cioè chiacchierate “di poco conto”, conversazioni di circostanza per parlare del più e del meno, vi aiuteranno a rompere il ghiaccio, a ridurre le distanze interpersonali e a mostrare interesse verso il prossimo.
Parlare del tempo
- Today the weather seems really good, isn’t that beautiful?
- This morning it feels very cold, don’t you think?
- I wish I didn’t have to come to work today, it’s so nice out there! What about you?
- Do you think it’s going to rain today? The forecast said it would be sunny, but it’s so cloudy!
Parlare dello sport
- Do you do any sport in your free time?
- Do you think that a team from (country) will win the Champion’s League this year?
- Which team do you support?
Parlare del lavoro
- How are you finding your new job?
- Where did you work before?
- Do you live far away from the office?
- How long does it take you to get to the office?
- Do you drive? Do you take the train?
- Are you attending the meeting on Wednesday?
- Where do you normally have lunch? At the canteen? At the bar? Do you bring your own food?
Parlare di situazioni generiche
- How was your weekend? What did you do?
- How was your evening? Was it good?
- Did you watch that film on TV?
- Are you watching this new series on Netflix? What do you think about it?
- Did you watch the news last night? Did you hear about the strike?
Parlare di viaggi
- How was your holiday?
- Where did you go?
- Did you enjoy it?
- How was the hotel?
- Are there any places you would recommend worth visiting?
- Was the food good?
- Where are you planning to go next summer?
- Have you been there before?
- How long will you be there for?
Fare osservazioni
- I love your necklace, where did you buy it? Was it a present? Where is the shop?
- Have you had a haircut? I love your new look, it really suits you. Where did you have it done?
- Have you met the new person working in Marketing? I believe he is from Spain.
- That’s a lovely ringtone, what song is it?
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