Tag: HR

nov 15th, 2024

Performance Management and Performance Culture: Because People Come First

Livia Paccarié

Why do people matter more than results? No people, no results! Effective performance management can only exist with a good performance culture. It is the combined effect of the two that makes the difference. Learn more about performance management and performance culture, and why people should always be at the heart of it.

Performance Management and Performance Culture: Because People Come FirstLivia Paccarié
out 13th, 2020

Speexx ganha prêmio Worlddidac Award 2020

Sarah Voigt

Speexx is pleased to receive the Worlddidac Award 2020 for its business English crash course, “Working From Home".

Speexx ganha prêmio Worlddidac Award 2020Sarah Voigt