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Masterclass Webinar replay

The Future of L&D Is Here

What Does It Look Like?

December 7, 2023 11:00


In this Webinar:

  • What will 2024 look like for L&D?
  • AI is here to stay, but is it our ally, or our enemy?
  • How can you leverage technological innovation and disruption in L&D?
  • What will the L&D job look like in an AI-driven world?

...and much more!

What will 2024 look like for L&D? In this webinar, Donald H. Taylor and Docebo's Fernado Martin discuss the future of L&D under the influence of AI, answering questions such as: what will the future careers of L&D professionals looks like? What are the opportunities unlocked by AI for new skills development and for neurodivergent learners? How should L&D approach AI to make sure they are not left behind, but rather become an AI-Augmented professional?