improve and shape better digital adoption

Digital adoption is the idea that each user gains the ability to utilize digital tools as they are intended and to the fullest extent. This means that one could take a completely new user and help them become entirely self-sufficient and competent in their abilities to use software, a specific program or any online tool confidently. While not new to the HR and L&D world, this idea is especially important in order to ensure that you and your organization are getting the most out of your technology investments.

For example, if your customers are only using part of your product, they might not see its full value; the same goes for your employees. If your employees are only using part of the software you purchase, you are unlikely to see the improvements you intended.

We’ll go into more detail on how to effectively understand and utilize digital tools and technologies that will help you shape better digital adoption in your organization.


Shaping digital adoption after the pandemic

It’s critical for HR and L&D professionals to respond correctly to the changes we’ve experienced within the past year. With these changes came some challenges regarding readiness, technology, and tools. However, learning how to understand and utilize such tools and technologies effectively will help improve the overall progress of your organization.

As learning professionals, developing adaptable practices and improving existing ones will increase productivity during tough times and ultimately lead to smarter digital adoption.

As we gradually move to a more digital world, it is crucial to recognize that this shift cannot be avoided. The pandemic has taught us throughout the last year that the changes being made now are more geared towards becoming almost exclusively digital.

With more and more learning sessions being held online in virtual classrooms and the hybrid working and learning style gaining more popularity, this shift from face-to-face to digital has forever changed the way we work and learn.

the impact of digital learning on digital adoption

Impact of digital learning on digital adoption

Digital learning has evolved and significantly been impacted by the pandemic as we see more digitalization present in the learning space. Switching so rapidly from face-to-face to digital has accelerated the push to learn more online and use the tools available to us as effectively as possible. How we as HR and L&D professionals choose to critically think about taking advantage of this opportunity and use this technology to our advantage will ultimately push us towards success.

Here we’ve summarized the top 3 digital learning tools adopted by learners which have positively impacted their professional development.

Increase in virtual communication tools

One of the areas in which a significant increase in usage has been seen is virtual communication tools. At a time when people and organizations could only communicate virtually, and the only option was to become more digital, the spike in usage of such tools was unavoidable.

This growth has ultimately helped push forward many companies that were still not moving towards becoming more digital, forcing them to change all communication processes almost overnight. With this reliance on digital, and with so many of our actions turning to be solely online, it’s no wonder that virtual communication tools are becoming the norm.

According to the CIPD Learning and Skills at Work Survey in 2021, there is an 84% increase in the utilization of virtual classrooms and webinars. Not only have we seen this change in the usage of tools such as video communication tools, but we have also observed changes in our online experiences with one another.

The rise in awareness of digital body language is also a pertaining factor in how we effectively communicate online. Reading the body language of others online is an essential skill that has surfaced, especially since the start of the pandemic. The importance of accurately being able to read other’s digital body language and vice versa is a key contributor to effective and impactful communication and the overall success of a business.

Leveraging this uptake and rise in virtual learning and teaching may be difficult at first but is not impossible! Learning how to optimize your virtual learning practices and improve your virtual classrooms can be easier than you think.

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Rise of online content and programs

As a result of this increase, the usage of digital tools, professional programs, and learning courses started popping up more frequently in our everyday professional lives. In fact, according to the CIPD Learning and Skills at Work Survey in 2021, there has been a 79% increase in online content and programs.

This rise in available online content represents a great opportunity for companies to speed up their processes and make learning more accessible to their global workforce. If your organization is not investing in digital content and digital transformation, it is certainly putting itself at a competitive disadvantage. With the direction in which the market is going now, it’s safe to say that this digital industry is growing.

Many companies have already made necessary adjustments to their strategies after seeing the impact and effects of the pandemic. 70% of these companies urged the fact that this switch was moderate or significant. As the lasting effects of the pandemic are still being felt today, how organizations respond to this change moving forward is crucial to future success.

Creating smarter and more logical plans to become more digitalized and organizing every process so that it can withstand such situations is the only way to keep up with the digital shifts were seeing in the market.

Jumpstart in blended learning

Although there was not as big of an increase seen in blended learning (55% increase), the potential for a more significant impact is there.

For example, utilizing technology to support thinking, collaboration, and even reflection can bring out rich blended learning methods. In doing so, we are then automatically able to make progress in the right direction.

This statistic shows more specifically that only 55% of professionals were thinking (or had at least in their minds) of some environment or similar idea to blended learning. Such learning techniques such as blended learning are gaining more momentum and are seen to be more flexible in delivery style and even more cost-effective in the long run.

To find out more about smarter digital adoption and how to successfully move your traditional training to digital, be sure to get in touch
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typology of tech users

Typology of tech users

There are many different types of people who use technology. Whether it be someone just starting or those who have been tech-savvy for a long time, it’s important to embrace new technologies with your stakeholders to move towards better digital adoption.

As HR and L&D leaders, we need to understand what types of users exist in our companies and adapt the process of digital adoption according to the needs of each kind of user. In doing so, we learn more about what types of digital tools and technologies would work best, bringing us closer to our business’s goals.

But what are the actual types of users you can come across in your organization? And what should you always keep in mind when it comes to how they use technology?

The basic user

This type of user refers specifically to those who are only using one or very few tools. Whether that tool is a webinar or a simple learning management system, they are using this tool the majority of the time in its most basic form.

The content pusher

This is the type of user that has a vibrant and more varied use of technology. This group is using more than one technology tool for content. They are also more likely to combine different tools, such as mobile applications and virtual webinars. There are many different opportunities for these users, as they can expand their use of technology way beyond the simple methods of the basic user and utilize all options available to them.

The sophisticated user

This user is the more sophisticated user because they are using a wide range of technology tools. This can even refer to tools that are non-content related such as coaching applications and communities. This group takes advantage of a wider range of applications across their learning journey and experience.

How digital exposure increases engagement and support

Overall, using technology in a richer and more blended environment shift our thinking to really make a difference. A closer look into the types of technologies involved and which type of user is using them shows a direct correlation between their exposure to tools and technologies and their engagement and support thereafter.

The level of sophistication of each technology has a significant impact on engagement. Our On-Demand Webinar with Laura Overton, Mission Critical HR and L&D lessons to Help You Make Smarter Choices, further explores these correlations. Laura takes a deeper dive into learner engagement as well as some lessons learned during the pandemic period. Her findings show a significant difference in engagement between the sophisticated user group and the other two user groups.

Increased digital exposure has also brought a higher level of support and organizational leadership. As leaders gained more access to a richer technological experience, they were more likely to engage in digital learning and digital transformation.

The bottom line is, the more people are exposed to good use of technology along with a wider range of tools, the more they ultimately utilize that to the best of their abilities.

leverage digital tools to improve digital adoption

Leverage digital tools to improve digital adoption

Many different environments enable us to use technology in a smart, more sophisticated, and effective way. What we are doing within our organizations and how we use the technology made available to us can empower a strong culture of learning and development.

Become more familiar with all the digital tools at your disposal. – Exposing your workforce to different learning techniques, such as blended learning and introducing content programs, can make a difference when becoming more digitalized.

Get to know your employees and what type of technology users they are. – That way, you can better understand their needs and help them excel at adopting digital techniques that push your business forward.

Limiting thinking to only a few sets of rules and expectations, especially regarding technology usage, will only slow down your team’s development and business performance. It’s time to take action and implement a digital adoption strategy that will bring your business to the level you want, ultimately driving success through smart digital transformation.