Motivation and on-the-job training are pivotal to an employee´s performance within an organization, as well as improving their wider career prospects. For an organization, its ability to evolve and remain competitive is largely reliant on the skills and competence of its workforce.
That being said, employees often lack the motivation and appetite for attending training programs, so how do HR and L&D professionals motivate their teams to participate in learning? How can learning opportunities be designed to genuinely engage employees?
In this article we will provide answers to these vital questions as well as give you 4 tips to consider for successful training implementation.
Why is Corporate Learning so Important?
Since the pandemic and the subsequent push towards digitalization, it has become even more essential for companies to keep up with current developments, digital trends, and for their workforce to embrace new technologies and methods.
Research by the Donors’ Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany (Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft) shows that training and development is high on the agenda of 84% of companies surveyed. An IAB survey about organizations during the Corona outbreak showed that around 50% of the companies surveyed in Germany have promoted and planned further training measures for their employees since the crisis.
And with good reason, because the ongoing training of employees plays an important role for companies and their economic success. By keeping their employees’ knowledge up-to-date, upskilling, and creating additional know-how, companies take a step closer to achieving their goals: the bottom line being that competent and capable team members work more efficiently to drive better results.
Learning on the job opens up new perspectives and creates more enthusiasm and motivation at work: it´s clear that inspired, ambitious employees are precisely the kind of people every company wants. They bring new ideas and contribute to a better working atmosphere and harmonious cooperation.
In terms of employer branding, companies should also keep an eye on the training they offer. Companies that value training and offer a good learning program are particularly popular with employees. By offering attractive training opportunities, you can not only build internal skills but also attract new, valuable talent to your company.
Why Motivation for Training is Sometimes Lacking
Although many companies allocate resources to training, employee motivation is not always high: participation is delayed, on-the-job courses are sometimes poorly attended, and budgets for learning opportunities are often left untouched. What could be the reason?
- Too Much Effort
Although learning and development has become part of the culture of most organizations in recent years, the planning and delivery of training is often an ancillary activity and, in smaller organizations in particular, it may be entirely in the hands of employees. The independent search for, planning and administration of training opportunities takes up a lot of time and energy that could and should be spent on core tasks; in such circumstances motivation for training is likely to be low.
- Unattractive Learning Opportunities
If the training offered by the company does not meet the interests and needs of staff, then the will to participate is just not there. The learning format also has an impact on employee motivation: digital learning is undoubtedly the future of training, but choosing an inappropriate learning solution, inexperience in delivering virtual training, or technical difficulties in learning can lead to dissatisfaction. The result? Learning is underutilized or, in the worst case, not used at all.
- Low Learning
Last but not least, the outcome of training plays a decisive role in the success or failure of a training program. If training does not produce the expected results, the motivation of the participants diminishes. Learners become frustrated, feel they have wasted their time and energy, and are less open to future interventions.
Motivating Employees to Participate in Training: How to Do It
So how do you set up a successful training program that moves both the company and the employees forward and counteracts learning frustration and listlessness? The following 4 tips will help:
1. Offer Attractive Learning Opportunities
Interesting learning opportunities and appropriate learning formats are a prerequisite for a successful training program. To motivate your team to learn, you should tailor your program to the goals of the company as a whole as well as to the individual needs of your employees.
What skills are needed in your business, and what skills do your team feel are most important? Take the time to find out what your employees’ learning needs are. Carry out a detailed needs analysis and let your employees have a say in the choice of topics.
Design your learning program around the interests and concerns of the people it will ultimately serve. Compare content providers and evaluate digital learning solutions not only for technical functionality, but also for usability and learner success.
2. Enable Collaborative Learning
Especially in times of remote working, it is important to actively strengthen the sense of community in the team. Learning in a group encourages exchange, and shared successes strengthen the team spirit in the company.
This type of learning is a great way to increase motivation to learn. Bring together employees with similar interests or learning needs and encourage the sharing of learning experiences. Provide opportunities for learners to interact and make new contacts through discussion or group work.
3. Provide incentives
When people talk about incentives in the workplace, many immediately think of pay rises and financial rewards. The prospect of promotion or higher pay as a result of acquiring new skills undoubtedly increases the attractiveness of training opportunities. Success stories of career advancement through new skills can also inspire your team.
In addition to financial incentives, recognition also plays an important role. Public praise and encouragement shows that you value their progress. Team meetings or internal communication channels provide an opportunity to acknowledge an achievement or new skill. Here you can highlight an employee’s successful development in the context of the challenges they have overcome to properly celebrate their achievement.
4. Provide Prospects through Demonstrable kills
Especially in times when many of us spend the working day alone in front of a screen, it is important to create incentives for independent and continuous learning. Badges and credentials, i.e. evidence and certificates of successfully completed training, provide the necessary boost to motivation. These verifiable skills are valuable not only in the current job, but for the entire career. By certifying digitally acquired skills and abilities, learners always have a goal in mind and receive an immediate reward for successfully completing training.
Learn more about how diversity & inclusion in the workplace can contribute to the success of your company.
Language Learning for Increased Motivation for Training
Developing language skills is crucial for career development. Strong language skills are just as valuable in small businesses as in international companies and can make all the difference in job applications and promotions.
Speexx supports companies and their employees not only with business coaching, but also with digital language learning. We know from our own experience how important it is for learners to be able to certify and prove their knowledge and skills. Graduates of Speexx language training courses receive language certificates after each milestone: this means that they not only benefit directly from their improved communication skills but can also use them to enhance their professional profile.
When designing training programs, learners should be involved in the choice of delivery methods and dates to meet different learning preferences. Speexx digital language courses allow learners to design their own learning units in close collaboration with their personal coach. A detailed needs analysis and regular 1:1 sessions with Speexx coaches promote the learner’s personal development goals and help focus on areas where support is needed – at the learner’s own pace.
To ensure that employees are motivated to learn, the training offered should match their interests and needs. Speexx offers both one-to-one and group digital language training with over 500 engaging topics, so there is guaranteed to be something for everyone. In addition, Speexx uses intelligent algorithms and artificial intelligence to tailor the learning content exactly to the interests of the learner.
Last but not least, offering training in your company should not be a hassle – neither for HR and L&D professionals nor for employees; by seamlessly integrating the Speexx learning platform into your LMS or LXP, you can save valuable time and resources and focus on strategic employee development.
Real Motivation Comes with the Right Training Programs
For learning programs to be accepted and successful in the organization they must be relevant to both the organization and the learner.
Learning new skills and competencies can significantly accelerate an individual’s career, helping not only the organization but also the learner. By implementing the tips above, organizations can increase their employees’ motivation to learn and establish successful learning programs for the long term.
Want to learn more about employee motivation? In this eBook we show you how to create a good learning experience, how to use microlearning, how to use gamification, and how to achieve more with continuous learning.
Managers make a large contribution to the atmosphere in the workplace and thus also to the motivation of employees.