Welcome to our dedicated hub for thought leadership and innovative practices in people development. At Speexx, our commitment to fostering professional growth through our award-winning SaaS B2B platform shines in every article and interview we share. Whether you’re seeking to enhance corporate language training, explore business coaching, or mentoring: our blog is your gateway to the latest in leadership news, HR trends, and employee engagement strategies. Since we focus on people development, you will also find blogposts about remote work, lifelong learning, employer branding, Learning and Development, people analytics, skill development and talent management.
Five female leaders at Speexx share valuable strategies that aspiring leaders—especially women—can embrace.
Discover how adaptive talent and learning drive workforce agility, resilience, and long-term business success.
Learn how professional coaching helps organizations build resilience, boost employee well-being, and navigate uncertainty in a BANI world.
Discover the importance of language learning, the most effective methods, and key motivation tips on the European Day of Languages.
Third Place as Social Balance in Everyday Life: Should Employers Promote Employee Well-being through Social Spaces?
This article examines why interpersonal skills are of increasing value in the digital workplace, and offers strategies to help nurture them.
This article explores the importance of negotiation skills in the workplace and provides basic strategies for developing them.
Discover how learning platforms integrate technology to offer comprehensive solutions for people development and organizational growth.