Welcome to our dedicated hub for thought leadership and innovative practices in people development. At Speexx, our commitment to fostering professional growth through our award-winning SaaS B2B platform shines in every article and interview we share. Whether you’re seeking to enhance corporate language training, explore business coaching, or mentoring: our blog is your gateway to the latest in leadership news, HR trends, and employee engagement strategies. Since we focus on people development, you will also find blogposts about remote work, lifelong learning, employer branding, Learning and Development, people analytics, skill development and talent management.
Master the Art of Monotasking
In these times of constant distraction, monotasking might be the answer you need. More mindfulness in the workplace ensures that full concentration is dedicated to a project for maximum success. Crucially, without the numerous distractions of everyday life and with full focus on the actual task in hand.
Can Solitaire Solve the Remote Work Debate?
As two of the leading tech companies seem to have vastly different visions of the future of work, HR and L&D professionals might be left feeling confused. Will a game of Solitaire really improve team spirit? Or is this just another unnecessary distraction in a time of digital fatigue?
A Charged Issue: Is Elon Musk’s View on Remote Work Correct?
Elon Musk's recent leaked email caused some raised eyebrows, and led to a number of prominent tech companies reaching out to Tesla employees and restating their commitment to hybrid and remote working. This brought Alex Handcock, Global Head of Marketing & Communications at Speexx, to the question -- Was this a remote work fail from Musk?
How Can Companies Create More Inclusive Workplaces?
Diversity in companies is created through inclusion in the workplace. In this interview with Speexx, Magdalena Rogl, Project Lead Diversity & Inclusion at Microsoft Germany, explains how empathy makes organizations more open, what challenges need to be overcome and why she is confident that her job will be redundant in the future.
Skills and Leadership for the Modern Workplace – An Interview with #1 Amazon Best-Selling Author Jeremy Blain
We caught up with #1 Amazon best-selling author Jeremy Blain (The Inner CEO) to ask some questions and hear his thoughts on how organizations can lead better, do better, and be better.
Adapt to Talent Agility or Perish
Speexx co-founder and president, Armin Hopp, shares his thoughts on the evolution of the modern workplace, with the global talent pool now firmly in the driving seat and aware of their inherent value.
Daily Life in the Face of Conflict: A Coaching Story from Ukraine
Here at Speexx, being a global company means being globally connected and concerned. Meet our coach, Anastasiia, as she shares with us her story from Ukraine, where she continues to be an extraordinarily dedicated coach in the most challenging of circumstances.
Learning and Development Trends 2022
What are the most important trends for HR development in 2022? What challenges and opportunities await us in the area of continuing education? These questions are addressed and analyzed annually in the L&D Global Sentiment Survey.