Welcome to our dedicated hub for thought leadership and innovative practices in people development. At Speexx, our commitment to fostering professional growth through our award-winning SaaS B2B platform shines in every article and interview we share. Whether you’re seeking to enhance corporate language training, explore business coaching, or mentoring: our blog is your gateway to the latest in leadership news, HR trends, and employee engagement strategies. Since we focus on people development, you will also find blogposts about remote work, lifelong learning, employer branding, Learning and Development, people analytics, skill development and talent management.
Engaging and Embracing a Multigenerational, Multicultural Work Force
A handful of recent reports cite that, for the first time in history, many organizations employ staff spanning four, sometimes five generations. Indeed, by 2020, most companies will have all these cohorts working side by side.
How Continuous Performance Management Drives Learning
Performance management is no longer only focused on annual reviews. As times have changed, it is now a continuous process with regular check-ins between managers and individual employees all year long.
Speexx and Cambridge Assessment English Launch Business English Courses
At the opening of Learning Technologies 2019, Speexx and Cambridge Assessment English announce they will now offer co-branded language-learning solutions to corporate users worldwide.
Tapping into the Neuroscience of Personalized Learning
Individual learner’s brains are unique – and they are constantly changing and adapting. As we learn, new connections are made, and new neural pathways are created. This is known as neuroplasticity.
Speexx Announces a New Open Virtual Classroom: Expert Talk
Speexx is now offering a new webinar series called Expert Talk, in which subject matter experts from various industries host talks and skill-sharing sessions. Speexx students can select from dozens of topics to listen in on expert advice and expand their knowledge and skill sets to help them do their jobs better.
Making Soft Skills Learning More User-Centric Through Digital Transformation
Employability is key in a fast-changing world. In the workplace, learners are motivated to keep their skills up-to-date so that they don't fall behind. If companies are to retain their best performing employees, it is vital to offer the best learning and development opportunities.
Retaining Top Talent by Supporting Mental Health and Wellness at Work
Did you know that poor mental health and work-related stress now accounts for over half of absences in the workplace? Last year in the UK alone, 15.4 million working days were lost due to conditions associated with poor mental health and wellness.
Trending to 2020 – a clear vision of the future for learning technologies
The dawning of each New Year typically brings predictions of great strides forward in learning technology. In reality, learning professionals have been slower than anticipated to adapt emerging technologies. Take a look at the trends in learning technology pushing forward into 2020.