Welcome to our dedicated hub for thought leadership and innovative practices in people development. At Speexx, our commitment to fostering professional growth through our award-winning SaaS B2B platform shines in every article and interview we share. Whether you’re seeking to enhance corporate language training, explore business coaching, or mentoring: our blog is your gateway to the latest in leadership news, HR trends, and employee engagement strategies. Since we focus on people development, you will also find blogposts about remote work, lifelong learning, employer branding, Learning and Development, people analytics, skill development and talent management.
3 Tips to Move from In-Person Corporate Language Training to an LMS
An LMS offers flexibility, affordability and the opportunity for blended learning. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of an LMS and how to successfully implement one in your international organization.
Address the Human Factor in Digital Transformation
HR thought-leaders from across the world came together for a day of inspiration dedicated to discussing digital transformation and the human factor. Through best practice examples as well as reality check sessions throughout the day, we looked at how to challenge and overcome the barriers L&D still faces and what is it we need to do today to prepare for 2018?
What Are the Most Powerful Languages for Business?
Why business language matters - Before moving into new markets, L&D needs to consider whether their staff are equipped to deal with a new set of languages and cultural norms. Modern cities aren’t mono- or even bilingual anymore.
Customer Communications: Customer Experience Strategy – Creating a “Wow”
The renowned management guru, Peter Drucker, once wrote that since “the purpose of business is to create a customer; the business enterprise has two basic functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results. All the rest are merely costs.”
The Speexx Exchange Agenda 2017
Speexx has confirmed this year's Speexx Exchange agenda for the annual conference which will discuss topical issues on e-learning and talent management practices. During Speexx Exchange, up to 150 global HR and talent management delegates across 15 countries will meet in Berlin, Germany at the Hotel Intercontinental on Wednesday 6 December 2017, on the eve of Online Educa.
Digital Transformation in Berlin
In 2015, Berlin was designated the fastest growing hub in the world for new companies, with companies like SoundCloud and Foodpanda expanding into the global market with seemingly lightning speed. As we prepare to head to the German capital for our upcoming Speexx conference on December 6, let’s take a look at some of the reasons why Berlin is an exciting place to be today.
Do Soft Skills Still Matter?
If global processes are being shaped by technology advancement, how important will communication and interpersonal skills still be? Richard Cannane - Global Training & Development Manager at Trafigura - comments on the soft skills needs at his organization.
How the Exchange Community Tackles HR and L&D’s Biggest Challenges
On December 5th, another edition of Speexx Exchange will take place in Berlin. Laura Overton, who has been hosting Speexx Exchange since 2011, has observed a strong evolution in the quality of the discussions.