Welcome to our dedicated hub for thought leadership and innovative practices in people development. At Speexx, our commitment to fostering professional growth through our award-winning SaaS B2B platform shines in every article and interview we share. Whether you’re seeking to enhance corporate language training, explore business coaching, or mentoring: our blog is your gateway to the latest in leadership news, HR trends, and employee engagement strategies. Since we focus on people development, you will also find blogposts about remote work, lifelong learning, employer branding, Learning and Development, people analytics, skill development and talent management.
What exactly is this topic of impostor syndrome and why is it important to pay close attention to? Impostor syndrome can happen to anyone at any time in their career. Whether someone is doubting their abilities or feeling like they aren’t qualified enough, these are signs of impostor syndrome, which can result in turbulent times and negative outcomes within an organization.
We explore what quality assurance is, who is responsible for it, who benefits from it, and how it can be implemented in today’s teams with digital workflows.
The traditional concept of fixed working hours is becoming obsolete, with employees often expected to be available at all times, which can lead to answering work emails late into the night. This article explores the challenges of overtime in today’s work environment and discusses strategies companies can implement to mitigate it.Â
In this article we give useful phrases to help you answer 11 common questions when doing a job interview in English.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become more of a standard than simply a nice-to-have, so it’s no surprise that everyone seems to be talking about it.
This article explores asynchronous communication in the workplace, where it sits with synchronous communication, and how to balance both methods.
Learn science-backed leadership tactics for conflict resolution in a team in any setting, turning disputes into growth opportunities.
Talent vs skill? Know the difference between the two so you can identify, differentiate and effectively develop them in your company.