Welcome to our dedicated hub for thought leadership and innovative practices in people development. At Speexx, our commitment to fostering professional growth through our award-winning SaaS B2B platform shines in every article and interview we share. Whether you’re seeking to enhance corporate language training, explore business coaching, or mentoring: our blog is your gateway to the latest in leadership news, HR trends, and employee engagement strategies. Since we focus on people development, you will also find blogposts about remote work, lifelong learning, employer branding, Learning and Development, people analytics, skill development and talent management.
The 70:20:10 Model – Does it Really Work?
The 70:20:10 training and development blend can help accelerate learning to support a changing business. As technology and the internet revolutionize every sector, organizations are having to respond by releasing new versions of products and services much more regularly to meet customer demand and compete in the marketplace.
Cultural Differences: What Soft Skills Are Important in Global Markets?
Though most employers agree that soft skills are important, it is generally unclear which specific skills they have in mind. While these skills may be hard to pinpoint, studies indicate that there is a general consensus on the most important soft skills—even across different cultural contexts.
“The Major Driver for the Rise of the Virtual Team Is Technology”
The need for better employee engagement and productivity has become pressing in an international marketplace. Forward-thinking organisations are responding to this by structuring themselves in a more responsive and flexible way. In this video for the HRDIRECTOR, Armin Hopp, Founder and President of Speexx looks at the rise of a virtual team and how HR professionals can support them.
Corporate Language Training as Your Business Driver
No matter how large or small an organization, whether it works online or offline, its employees will have to deal with a different culture or language at some point. This could be colleagues from abroad who haven’t fully mastered the local language yet, as well as partners, suppliers or customers in another country. Such encounters can be highly rewarding as they offer insights into a different culture and perspective.
Rewarding Language Education: Career Advancement and More
If you work in a large, global organization, especially within the European Union, you will likely be required to communicate and work alongside colleagues in different regions. Multilingual employees have the ability to communicate effectively across international borders, making them prime candidates for promotion over their monolingual colleagues.
Motivated Workforce: How Productivity and Further Education Go Hand in Hand
One of the biggest challenges for companies is to keep the workforce motivated at all times. When employees do the same work day in and day out, it becomes difficult to keep them interested and doing their very best. The solution to this problem is further education. Learning new skills or improving an existing skillset will relieve stasis and set the workforce forward.
3 Steps to Creating an Education Program That Delivers Results
Providing employees with professional development is critical for developing an equipped and effective workforce. Select companies have seen up to a 25% average return on investment after investing in a corporate training program.
Reality Check on eLearning in Berlin
For the 6th consecutive year, the reality check on eLearning and L&D practices Speexx Exchange took place on November 30 Berlin, at the Intercontinental Hotel. HR thought leader and Speexx Exchange keynote speaker Laura Overton - CEO of Towards Maturity inaugurated the day.