Personalized English Course

English is the global language of business and communication. HR and L&D professionals in large international corporations have long realized that their people must have strong English language skills to thrive in the global workplace. However, traditional English courses can be expensive, time-consuming, and may not meet the specific needs of individual learners. This is where technology comes in, mainly using AI and Learning Experience Platforms (LXP) to revolutionize how personalized English courses are delivered.

It’s hard to imagine a time when technology wasn’t integral to corporate language training. But a few years ago, language students met in classrooms every Wednesday night and had to rely on textbooks and CD-ROMs for their language education. These resources were often expensive, barely interactive, and didn’t provide real-time feedback. It’s hard to believe that was considered cutting-edge technology at the time. But now, technology has advanced to the point where we can create personalized English courses and a learning experience tailored to each learner’s specific needs.


Tailored learning: The personalized English course for specific needs

One of the most significant benefits of technology in personalized English courses is the ability to tailor the learning experience to the individual needs of each student. With technology, language coaches and L&D managers can use data and analytics to track student progress and adjust the course content and pacing accordingly. This allows language learners in your organization to focus on the areas they need the most help with and move comfortably.

For example, a student struggling with grammar can be given more grammar exercises and quizzes, while a more advanced student can be given more complex reading and writing tasks. Additionally, technology allows for various multimedia materials, such as videos, audio recordings, and interactive activities, making the learning experience more engaging and effective.


How Digital Language Training Can Advance and Enhance Your Business

Learn the reasons why HR and L&D leaders need to embrace corporate language learning plans and about the benefits a personalized English course brings to your people.


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Using AI to deliver personalized English courses

Some online language training providers customize the content to specific industries or job roles. This allows co-workers to learn English in the context of their industry or job, which can be particularly important for industry verticals with specific terminology or job roles requiring particular language skills. For example, a co-worker in the hospitality industry may need to learn English for customer service situations. In contrast, a learner in finance may need to learn English to present financial reports. With customized learning content, your people can develop the English language skills they need to excel in their industry or job role. This ultimately leads to better job performance and improved employability and mobility.

AI algorithms can support language learning with personalized learning paths for each user, depending on their interests, learning pace, and academic performance. Learners can choose preferable topics, return to activities they want to practice more, and track their progress.

Flexibility: Personalized English courses on your own time

A major benefit of technology in personalized English courses is flexibility. With online and self-paced courses, students can learn independently and from anywhere. This is especially important for professionals who are working full-time and may not have the time or resources to attend traditional classroom-based courses.

Online English courses also allow students to learn at their own pace. This means that students can take as much time as they need to complete assignments, and they can also revisit the material as many times as they need to. With the help of technology, students can also communicate with their teachers and classmates in real time, which can help to build a sense of community and support.

Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Learning Experience Platforms (LXP) allow for flexibility regarding when and where your people can learn. With the integration of a language training platform into your corporate LMS, language learners can access the course materials and communicate with their coaches and classmates from anywhere and at any time, making it easier to fit the course into their busy schedules. HR and L&D can use digital language training to drive digitalization across the organization – and with the appropriate HR and L&D tools you will be able to track the learning progress for all users.

Additionally, LMS and LXPs allow for self-paced learning, which means that your people can take as much time as needed to complete assignments, revisit the material or meet their virtual coach as often as needed. With the help of technology, co-workers can also communicate with their teachers and classmates in real time, which can help to build a sense of community and support.

Cost-effectiveness: Personalized English courses at a fraction of the cost

Personalized English courses are highly cost-effective for corporate language training. Traditional classroom-based courses require significant travel expenses, including transportation, accommodation, and food costs. In contrast, personalized online systems eliminate these expenses, making them more affordable for businesses of all sizes. Additionally, the tailored learning experience means that co-workers can focus on the specific areas they need to improve, which results in time and cost savings. Furthermore, personalized online courses can deliver faster results than traditional classroom-based courses, as co-workers can learn at their own pace and schedule. Digital training drives digitalization within the organization and provides significant cost savings and efficiencies, making it a valuable investment for businesses. Overall, personalized English courses offer a highly cost-effective solution for corporate language training while driving digitalization within the organization.

Personalized English Course with young woman taking notes

Bring out the best in your people with personalized English courses

Digital technology, particularly AI and platform technology like LMS and LXP, is revolutionizing how personalized English courses with self-paced training and the support of a personal coach are delivered. At Speexx, we provide digital language training for corporations focusing on personalized and flexible learning. We invite you to try our platform and see the impact it can have on the language development of your people and on breaking down communication silos in your organization.

Recommended Reading

Forbes: Digital Learning: How To Use It For Effective Growth & Development
Gartner: Learning Management System Review 2023