Speexx is the New Normal

More and more of us are working and learning from home. In this new normal, Speexx is the one-stop digital language training, assessment and administration platform for a global workforce.

15+ years of digital experience. Powered by advanced learning technology and AI. Data privacy guaranteed. All in a safe online environment.

Corporate Language Training with Speexx

Speexx is the New Normal

In the new normal, Speexx is your one-stop platform for digital language training, assessment and administration for a global workforce.

Powered by advanced learning technology and AI. 15 years of digital experience. Data privacy guaranteed. All in a safe online environment.

Get Ready for the New Normal

Your language school thinks it’s enough to offer the same old thing via Skype or Zoom?
Speexx is the all-in-one solution for real learning transformation.

Don Taylor on the New Normal

“It´s not a temporary thing!”

Donald H. Taylor, Chairman of the Learning and Performance Institute

“It´s not a temporary thing!”

Donald H. Taylor, Chairman of the Learning and Performance Institute

Don Taylor on the New Normal

Working and Learning From Home

Office workers around the globe are working and learning from home. They continue to build on their use of digital communication and collaboration tools, and studies show that they are not expected to go back.

68% of large-company CEOs plan to downsize their office spaces, according to KPMG.

For a global workforce, Speexx is the only digital learning-from-home-platform that combines language assessment, learning and continuous performance support. Unlike traditional corporate training providers, Speexx has more than 15 years of experience in digital training. And we have the content and technology to secure learning continuity from day 1.

5 Lessons on working remotely from Speexx China & Italy

Technology and Standards for the New Normal

800+ Global Enterprises Trust in Learning from Anywhere with Speexx

The Legal Risk of the New Normal

Do you have a bullet-proof agreement for contract data processing with your current language training provider to protect your learner data?

We understand the importance of data security and privacy standards for large organizations in the new normal. The Speexx Data Protection and Privacy Policy complies with the European Data Protection Regulation GDPR and all national data protection legislations. All Speexx user data servers are in the European Union. Here´s a GDPR checklist.

Plus: Unlike language training based on Skype or Zoom, the brand-new Speexx video conferencing technology fully complies with all aspects of the GDPR.

Speexx corporate language training for individuals and for groups

The Legal Risk of the New Normal

Speexx corporate language training for individuals and for groups

Do you have a bullet-proof agreement for contract data processing with your current language training provider to protect your learner data? Unlike language training based on Skype or Zoom, the brand-new Speexx video conferencing technology fully complies with all aspects of the GDPR.

Let us Talk About the New Normal

We’d be happy to share real success stories and case studies about the transition of large learner populations from face to face to digital learning.

The Moment Belongs to Virtual Learning

Speexx brings you a brand new, learner-centric focus. The digital platform is the global solution for the New Normal of working and learning from home – with essential, instructional, and expert-level learning in one integrated language training ecosystem. The Speexx platform is your foundation with CEFR level testing, needs assessment and a mobile language app for all employees. Upgrades are only for those users who really need support.

All devices for mobile Corporate Language Training in the New Normal

The Moment Belongs to Virtual Learning

Speexx brings you a brand new, learner-centric focus. The digital platform is the global solution for the New Normal of working and learning from home.

Speexx language training for the New Normal

The Global New Normal for Language Training

Language schools are local by nature. Speexx is a global digital language learning and skills testing solution for the new normal – wherever you may need us. Our regions include all continents with local support in China and APAC, the Middle East, all over Europe and the Americas.

Hannah Gore on the New Normal of Corporate Training

“We will never go back to where we were in January 2020.”

Dr. Hannah Gore, Learning Experience Director at The Canonbury Consultancy Group

“We will never go back to where we were in January 2020.”

Dr. Hannah Gore, Learning Experience Director at The Canonbury Consultancy Group

Hannah Gore on the New Normal of Corporate Training

Learning and Business Continuity

During the first few months of the pandemic, many corporations responded by enabling business and learning continuity with video conferencing, IT infrastructure upgrades, and collaboration tools that are effective, secure, and plug-and-play.

For the longer term, you will want training and collaboration solutions that help you improve training operations to better cope with similar situations in the future. In 2020, Speexx has worked with hundreds of corporations and their users to secure learning continuity. We created thousands of new learning resources, EasyStart content, and new apps like VideoLab and our next-generation video conferencing tool.

Learning continuity in the New Normal

Learning and Business Continuity

For the longer term, you will want training and collaboration solutions that help you improve training operations to better cope with similar situations in the future. In 2020, Speexx has worked with hundreds of corporations and their users to secure learning continuity. We created thousands of new learning resources, EasyStart content, and new apps like VideoLab and our next-generation video conferencing tool.

Content and Technology Help you Drive Digital Transformation

Drive digital transformation and the transition to the next normal with Speexx. Grow the adoption of digital learning with AI and smart algorithms. Speexx uses artificial intelligence for reliable content-to-user-matching at every level. We help you push the right curriculum or micro-learning content at precisely the right place and moment in time.

And, of course, all this needs to be measurable. Speexx learning project insights help you quickly assess which programs are effective and which activities influence the best results


Content and Technology Help you Drive Digital Transformation

Drive digital transformation and the transition to the next normal with Speexx. Grow the adoption of digital learning with AI and smart algorithms.

Speexx integration into the new normal

How to Integrate Into The New Normal

Speexx has 15 years of experience with integrating digital language training into HR workflows and technology. Let´s not forget: The new normal at the digital workplace is also about technology, service delivery and user experience. Leading LMS and LXP providers, including Cornerstone OnDemand, Oracle, SuccessFactors, Saba, Docebo and many more trust in Speexx to provide the best native language learning and skills testing experiences for their users.