
Developing Business Agility to Respond to Change

How to Create a Flexible Workforce

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In this whitepaper

  • How can you create flexibility in response to change?

  • Assessing skills gaps – where are they?

  • How can you develop business agility?

  • Blended Learning for a global workforce

developing a flexible workforce

For some time, digital transformation has become the new constant.

Organizations in all sectors and vertical markets are experiencing a period of rapid change. Factors ranging from Brexit to global trade agreements and international politics are having a major impact on most marketplaces. Meanwhile, the accelerating pace of new technology implementations and digitalization is affecting operations and service delivery across most companies.

Some vertical markets, such as banking and finance, are experiencing major transformation. Established market leaders are facing competition from new and innovative competitors. For some time now, change has been the new constant. To survive and succeed in this environment, organizations must be able to react to change in a fast and efficient way. Agility is key to respond to disruption in business.

Blended Learning for a global workforce

Predicting seismic change for 2019, HR analyst Josh Bersin states: “One of the biggest trends in HR and L&D is the integration of HR practices and learning into the flow of work. This is a new way of improving the employee experience, and I believe it represents a new design paradigm for technology providers and HR teams. In fact, I believe workplace technology and HR technology are coming together – ultimately a positive change for employees and HR teams.”

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