
Making the Switch from F2F to Digital Learning 
A practical guide to the transition to a digital learning platform

Due to the recent pandemic, many organizations had to rush into digital transformation – specifically, digital learning – overnight. Now, digital and on-demand learning are more popular than ever for professional development, and may replace F2F learning in some contexts altogether. Download this e-book and uncover more!

E-book | Making the Switch from F2F to Digital Learning

Find out more about making the switch to digital learning

In this e-book

  • The advantages of moving to digital learning
  • How to make the shift to digital learning
  • Making the Switch to Digital – With Speexx!
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The advantages of moving to digital learning

Even two years ago, pre-pandemic, Bersin by Deloitte, Fosway and many more leaders in the learning industry revealed
the learning habits of modern professionals. Their findings showed that people today are busy, overwhelmed, but keen to learn. They want personalized content relevant to their interests, but quickly lose patience when content is not available at the point of need, not of high value, or the user
experience is not seamless. And with mobile phones and tablets being ubiquitous, it makes sense that learners turn to these devices for every little whim.

How to make the shift to digital learning

Digital learning is an opportunity to make personalized, relevant learning accessible to people whenever and wherever they need it. At this time, that “where” is likely at home, and the “when” is at the point of need. Offering users a digital learning experience fulfills that need but also keeps everyone flexible, engaged, and safe – while reducing costs for the business and allowing for better learning measurement and analysis.

Making the Switch to Digital with Speexx

Making the decision for digital learning means putting your employees’ safety and well-being first. Although current events have forced us to change our approach to various aspects of our professional lives, it doesn’t mean that learning stops. Speexx empowers and enables communication for all – learning from anywhere, with the one-stop digital language learning and assessment platform for a global workforce.

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