Speexx Exchange Podcast – Episode 8:
AI, Chatbots, Conversation & Convergence with Trish Uhl

Speexx Exchange Podcast - Episode 8: AI, Chatbots, Conversation & Convergence with Trish Uhl

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Episode 8

Welcome to the Speexx Exchange podcast on AI, Chatbots, Conversation & Convergence! Your host, Donald Taylor, Chairman of the Learning and Performance Institute – and renowned L&D expert chats with Founder of Owl’s Ledge, Trish Uhl, about how to apply AI, data science and advanced analytics to organizational learning to achieve significant impact and business results. She tells the story about the Mars bar “hunger algorithm,” detailing how the chocolate company used smart conversational analysis to understand human behavior, and shows how this can be replicated in the field of L&D. Trish explores “engineering” learning systems, how to connect training environments to operational environments, and demonstrates how her team is doing this through the use of chatbots. Listen in to get a sense of how chatbots provide learning insights by connecting instruction to integration to implementation. Oh, and that app kids these days are using – TikTok? Trish is convinced that this is the future of learning, and it’s changing the way that we provide learning solutions for the TikTok-consuming cohort over the next three to five years.

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About Donald Taylor

Donald Taylor

Chairman of the Learning and Performance Institute since 2010, his background ranges from training delivery to managing director and vice-president positions in software companies. Donald took his own internet-based training business from concept to trade sale in 2001 and has been a company director during several other acquisitions. Now based in London, he has lived and traveled extensively outside the UK and now travels regularly internationally to consult and speak about workplace learning.

About Trish Uhl

About Trish Uhl

Principal at global firm Owl’s Ledge and founder of the Talent & Learning Analytics Leadership Forum, Trish is a globally experienced strategist and consultant leading award-winning teams in leveraging data science, artificial intelligence (AI), emerging technology, analytics and evidence-based actionable insights to deliver positive people impact and business value through workplace learning, change and project management. You can follow Trish on Twitter.

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