Speexx Exchange Podcast – Episode 2:
Meet Your Learning Goals With 20 Questions from Jeff Kortenbosch

Meet Your Learning Goals

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Episode 2

Welcome to Speexx Exchange Podcast – Episode 2: Meet Your Learning Goals With 20 Questions from Jeff Kortenbosch. Your host, Donald Taylor, Chairman of the Learning and Performance Institute – and renowned L&D expert – speaks with IKEA’s Learning Designer at Inter IKEA Systems, Jeff Kortenbosch, about how can you go from feeling like your L&D program is a tedious “course factory” to effectively meet your organization’s learning objectives.

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About Donald Taylor

Donald Taylor

Donald Taylor is a recognized commentator and organizer in the fields of workplace learning and learning technologies. He is a veteran of the learning, skills and human capital industries, with experience at every level from delivery to chairman of the board, and passionately committed to helping develop the learning and development profession. Chairman of the Learning and Performance Institute since 2010, his background ranges from training delivery to managing director and vice-president positions in software companies. Donald took his own internet-based training business from concept to trade sale in 2001 and has been a company director during several other acquisitions. Now based in London, he has lived and traveled extensively outside the UK and now travels regularly internationally to consult and speak about workplace learning.

About Jeff Kortenbosch

Jeff Kortenbosch

Jeff Kortenbosch is Global Learning & Performance Solution Designer for IKEA and a  Senior Learning & Development professional with over 20 years of experience in both traditional and modern learning and performance concepts. He is an accomplished performance consultant, learning advisor, business partner, L&D leader, coach, trainer and content-developer on a mission to bring performance-based learning and business impact back to the workplace. Some of his specialties are stakeholder management, vendor selection and management, end-to-end project management, devising learning strategies, creating imaginative concepts, developing impactful learning solutions and collaborating at all organizational levels and cultures.

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